about Us

our story

FunJobs is a service provider dedicated to providing human resource management solutions for companies of all sizes. It has served Southeast Asian companies for a long time. Most of the management talents we recommend are international talents and the FunJobs consultant team guarantees the successful completion of each entrusted case.

FunJobs has a team with experience in multinational enterprise management and human resource management solutions. We have an average of 16 years of experience in the fields of commercial company operations, organizational management, human resource consulting, and Internet products, and we are among the top 5 companies in the world Management consulting companies, many Fortune 500 companies, and the world's first-class enterprise shared service center technology company have made extraordinary achievements.

Our original intention of creating FunJobs is to provide enterprises with the most direct solutions from the perspective of problem solving based on our understanding of the industry and our insight into the industry as a whole. This is also our vision.

We have always insisted on bringing global professionalism and workplace culture into FunJobs, that is, we have always strived to create a direct, transparent and cooperative elite working culture. We encourage a workshop-style working atmosphere, and hope that in every project, we can hear heated discussions. We hope that the motivation of employees in this "Internet + management consulting" company is their own interests. Because of interest, employees will Get into the research of various management techniques and information technology.

Our mission is "Release the development potential of talents!!"