Our Story

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FunJobs is a service provider dedicated to providing human resource management solutions for enterprises of all sizes. It has long served Southeast Asian companies. Most of the management talents we recommend are international talents and the FunJobs consultant team guarantees the successful completion of each commissioned case.

Funjobs Has a Team with Experience in Mult: USINESS Company Operations, Organisation Management, Human Resource Consulting, and Internet PRODUCTS, and We Are AMONG the TOP 5 in the World. Management COMPANIES, MANY FORTUNE 500 Companies, and the World's Top Enterprise Shared Service Center TechNOLOGY MADE MADE MADE Extraorder A. Chievements.

Our Original Intention of Creating Funjobs was to Prove Enterprises with The Most Direct Solutions from the Perspectived Based On Our ING of the Industry and Our INSight Into the Wind Direction of the Entire Industry. This is all vision.

We have always insisted on bringing global property and workplace culture funjobs, that is, we alway to create a direct, and co operating elite work work. Can Hear Lively Discussions. We hold that the motivity of employees in this "internet + management consulting. ERESTED, Employeees Will Drill Into The Research of Various Management Technologies and Information Technology.