The news

[China, 2022] The Survey Results show that the most posit type is the state -Owned Enterprise, and the most promising industry is the information. Y Industry Such as the Internet and Electronic Communications. Compared to high salary, nearly 70 % of young People value personal geowth more when applying for jobs.

Employee benefits are the focus of young people when applying for hunting. About 70%of the Respondents are mostlyned about Renting or settlement subsidies, FO Llowed by Enough Annual Leave (66.88%), 38.20%of the Respondents Value the Company's Regular Free Medical Examinations , and 35.20%are any concept about full salary childbirth.

It is word mentering that more than 60%of the Respondents value the "Growth" most when choosing a career, that is, the rapid impsonal abilities; 52.61%O. f the respondents said that the most importing thing is the sense of value at Work; About 40%of the young people value the most imported people who value the most imported people. ION, "Love" and "Creation" "are also factor that young people are incorporal When applying for job hunting.

StatisticS has been found that more than 60%of young will chooose to change jobs becaue is no room for rise; Lary and depends on salary. And Change Work.

NEARLY 60 % of Zen Beelieves that "with a Richer Experience and Pioneering Horizons" is more important than spildy and professional improvement.The Current Young people are increasingly pursuing the realization of self -world. In their requireness for work, Although Salarly and Benefits Are Also Important, TH. E priority of the achieving seelf -Worth is Higher.